DARKLORD 1. Invocation in the Black Forest

1. Invocation in the Black Forest

FCBK: https://www.facebook.com/edgard.aldebaran1
BLOG: https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/66502790
BLOG: http://occidenteliberado.blogspot.com.uy/
CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8okIq8TUaj8YPjCmYuObdg

Tell me the subtle world as it is called, oh forest,

You who want to burn the fiery flame in me,

you, who cross with cruel thorns the frozen

heart that wounds your sovereign wickedness.

* * *

The world that enlightens your evil existence

must to be called the world that before you was nothing,

It is the sacred forest where my spirit reigns,

Incapable of damage, helplessness of bad ideas.

You have to find me in the forest, it deserves

My way through the garden of your sacred forest

Where the moss on the stones greenish grow

And the light crosses the entangled branches

Of the thick trees that your smile burns

With the warm ardor that from your sphere emerges.

My thought seeks your favor and dips

his song in the wind that is throwing by your breath

And the whisper of your flight reverbs in my front

With an infinite echo that the devil accompanies.

Then, only then, death abandons me

And the temple of my soul burns in warm candor,

So pure, crystalline, so full and transparent

Like a presentiment that is realized in fate,

As a decision validating the present

In what conjecture was and today is destiny.

* * *

Let me be the one who watches over the peace of your dream.

And be the one who, in your name, softens the heroic sword

To beat me to death by the light of your sky,

Dissipating in battle for you, my whole bourning soul.

DARKLORD – Invocation in the black forest

FCBK: https://www.facebook.com/edgard.aldebaran1
BLOG: https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/66502790
BLOG: http://occidenteliberado.blogspot.com.uy/
CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8okIq8TUaj8YPjCmYuObdg

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